All the Supplements I Use and Why!
Heyyy there!
Here's the rundown on the supplements I use to stay energized, hydrated, and happy! None of these have artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives! I'm very picky about what I put in my body (especially since I'm breastfeeding), so I feel good about using these to stay they are delicious (minus the power greens! Lol! But you can't taste them when you add them to Shakeology!)
I've included some videos that explain the science behind these supplements and even if you don't care about the details, just listen for the sexy accent! ;)
SHAKEOLOGY is my lifeblood! Not even joking here. I suffered from IBS my whole life, but Shakeology has prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes- which have rocked my world and changed my whole digestive system! It's made from over 70 whole superfoods from around the world, so it replaces my vitamin and probiotic, fills me up, gives me natural energy, and tastes delish! Plus it helps my hair, skin, and nails! And it has nothing artificial! It's literally what gets me out of bed in the morning and keeps me going. I drank it through both pregnancies and while breastfeeding!
What sets it apart is that there are NO GMOs, soy, artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives! The ingredients are sourced from all over the world and the Shakeology creators regularly visit the farmers to test the soil and ensure the best farming practices are being followed >>> which I LOVE!
Price: $130 USD for 30 servings (that's 30 days of breakfasts, vitamins, and calculate what you'd spend on 30 days of those 3 things - buying only the highest quality ingredients and vitamins- and you'll find that it's comparable)
ENERGIZE is the pretty yellow {or pink} drink that gives me LIFE! I call it my "mommy juice" or "parent power punch" because it is AH-MAZING! It gives me a great little energy boost without the jitters! It comes in two flavors (both naturally derived): lemon and fruit punch! The lemon tastes like a fruity lemonade, but the fruit punch is literally one of the main highlights of my day!
Price: $50 USD for 40 servings I want some!
HYDRATE is an an all-natural form of Gatorade! It's perfect for replacing electrolytes during a tough workout...and it doesn't have any artificial crap in it! If you're a breastfeeding mom, this is a game-changer for your supply!
Price: $34.94 USD for 40 servings I want some!
Power Greens
POWER GREENS is made from cucumber, kale, celery, matcha, and spinach, and chlorella (a form of algae) {YUM! lol}. Each serving has the equivalent to one cup of green veggies — with no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives. I really struggle to get all my veggies in, so this is a great way to sneak more in without having to chomp them down! I add a scoop to my Shakeology and can't even taste it! I mean it does give it a slightly earthy flavor, but it doesn't change the whole flavor profile and make you gag!
Price: $35 USD for 20 servings I want some!
RECOVER is the post workout drink that rebuilds & repairs muscles and prevents soreness! If you've ever done a workout and then woke up the next day unable to walk, then you know what I'm talking about! Recover helps to prevent that "I can't go down the steps" feeling so you don't skip your workouts because you're too sore- you can keep going! The chocolate tastes like a Wendy's Frosty and the orange tastes like a Creamsicle and is freaking delicious!
Price: $69.96 USD for 20 servings I want some!
Beachbar it bad that I eat two of these a day?! Lol! I'm obsessed! I always have one at night as my "dessert" because it's something I can eat to satisfy my sweet tooth without feeling guilty! And sometimes I'll have one as an afternoon snack...because hey, it has protein! ;) They come in Peanut Butter Chocolate and Chocolate Cherry Almond.
Price: $79.60 USD for 2 boxes of 15 I want some!
Interested in snagging any of these?
Let me know through the form below and I’ll email you to find out what flavors you want and get you set up!