Ultimate Reset: Day 12

Day 12: Getting sick and tired of vegetables.

The emotions are back! The hubby and I were both super cranky today for no reason at all.

While we feel amazing and are noticing significant results, we're becoming increasingly irritated by all the meal prepping and cleaning! I'd say that's the #1 drawback to this. You have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking and prepping...and then cleaning! But this is how you're supposed to live and eat. I have to keep reminding myself that we need to get out of the "microwave mentality." 

I'll be honest, I'm sick and tired of microgreen salads for lunch! I am not a huge veggie fan to begin with, so this is to be expected! 

I'm down 7 lbs and Sean is down 8, so it's clearly working. 
I really don't have any cravings. 
I have zero bloat, even after I eat. 
I have tons of energy throughout the day, but get SUPER sleepy around 9 pm every night. I usually stay up late working since that's the only time I get any peace and quiet, but it's realllly hard for me to stay awake and stay focused on the Reset. 

I'm also stressing over Easter. I want to go home and visit family, but I don't want to "cheat." So I guess I'll bring my own foods and avoid all the temptations! 

Today's menu: 

First thing: 24 oz water with Mineralize and Optimize supplements
30 minutes later: Breakfast - Fresh fruit plate (3 cups of fruit!) and Oatmeal with ground flax
{{I added oatmeal with flax again because London wants to nurse alll day because of her teeth. She is basically refusing all food. So I need to keep this milk supply going strong.}}


2 hours later: Mineralize and Optimize supplements
30 minutes later: Lunch - Microgreen salad & Hearty vegetable miso soup


2 hours later: Power Greens powder with water
{{London loves this stuff and demand sips!}}


30 minutes later: Snack - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology + banana + peanut butter
Seriously the best part of my day!!


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, Soothe supplements
30 minutes later: Dinner -Coconut collard greens, roasted beets and sweet potato, toasted millet
{Besides the coconut collard greens, everything else was blah. But we did love the greens and plan on making them again! And sweet potatoes aren't part of the plan for today, but we made a mistake and didn't buy enough beets! So we had to supplement!}


Thanks for tuning in! See you tomorrow!

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