Get Pearly Whites with Activated Charcoal
Looking for a new way to make those sparkly whites shine bright?
Well I have a natural remedy that’ll do the trick…but don’t let it scare you away!
You all know that I loathe chemicals. I’d rather have brown teeth than pop a Crest White Strip into my mouth! So trust me on this one…
As you learned in a previous post, activated charcoal is a great remedy for stomach issues (#gasproblems). One day I was wondering what to do with the plethora of capsules I have on hand until I remembered to GTS (Google That Shit) and found tons of uses for this scary, but wonderfully versatile black magic!
So today I want to share my #2 favorite use for activated charcoal: whitening your teeth!
Yep, I’m totally telling you to put activated charcoal in your mouth. Trust me…
So how does it work?
Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent substance that removes toxins. Don’t worry, the charcoal isn’t absorbed by the body; it passes through the GI system collecting chemicals and toxins as it makes its way to the exit. (This is why it’s great for stomach issues.)
Think of it like a magnet, attracting unwanted substances from within your body.
As for your mouth, surface stains on your teeth don’t stand a chance against this absorbent powder!
How to use it?
Put a little toothpaste on your toothbrush.
Break open a capsule (beware the powder will stain white grout) and pour half of the powder on your prepared toothbrush.
Brush without water.
For maximum results, let the charcoal sit on your teeth for about 5 minutes.
sexy, i know
Rinse and brush with water.
What are you waiting for? Go charcoal your teeth!
*Make sure that the charcoal is from wood or coconut sources and not petroleum-based.