Easy Summer Confidence


The sun is hot and so are you! Don’t let yourself have any negative self thoughts and let yourself be happy! So as we slip ‘n slide further into Summer, let’s:

💙 leave our insecurities at home and show up with confidence & a smile 👉🏼 it’s the fastest & most beautiful transformation we’ll ever have⁣

💙 remember that we don’t owe anyone an explanation on why we gained weight or look bloated 👉🏼 it’s none of their business ⁣

💙 eat the picnic foods & desserts with joy instead of staring at them all day and obsessing over whether we should “cheat” and have some 👉🏼 life is short, #TreatYoSelf⁣

💙 forget about the stretch marks, cellulite, back rolls, varicose veins, and whatever else makes us feel less than. It’s not how we look, it’s how we carry ourselves that makes us feel fabulous 💃🏻 So let’s stand tall and flaunt it. 👉🏼 And anyone who judges our imperfections can suck it 🍆 But we should also feel bad for them because they are struggling and projecting their insecurities onto us (maybe we should tag them in this post 😉)⁣

⁣So let’s stop the mind f*ckery this weekend and create memories that don’t include our insecurities ❤️⁣

(Oh and watch the my TikTok for a behind the scenes pose tutorial!)