Yoga Bloopers

✨Almost everything will work if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.✨

I’m going to be completely honest and share that I’ve been putting way too much pressure on myself and have had this terrible feeling of overwhelm and anxiety for a few weeks now.

I’m a recovering perfectionist and I need to get over that…because it’s making me lose my damn mind!

Any other perfectionists out there…or gals on the anxiety struggle bus?! 🙋🏻

I literally cried multiple times yesterday because I felt like I wasn’t being a good enough parent, wife, and coach. 🤦🏻‍♀️

But here’s how I rectified the situation:

👉🏼 As a birthday gift to my hubby (besides wearing my sexiest yoga pants when he got home 💃🏻😂), I unplugged for the entire night to be completely present with him!

👉🏼 And instead of staying up late to work, which is what I usually do, I went to bed early with him.

👉🏼 Today I chose a yoga sequence instead of a high-intensity cardio workout.

👉🏼 Instead of drinking coffee this morning, I had a hot tea and took things SLOW.

✨And now I feel like a NEW woman. It’s amazing what a little tech break, sleep, and yoga can do for you!✨

No, my yoga practice wasn’t completely zen, but this little lady made me laugh…and laughter really is the best medicine, isn’t it?!

I wanted to share some stress-relieving poses with you, but it turned into a blooper reel instead. Sorry!

But here’s proof that things don’t have to be perfect. Let’s all take a moment to slow down, give ourselves grace, and enjoy those precious moments with our families. ❤

I have a new virtual fit club starting and I’m thinking of incorporating some stress-relieving topics into it (because I know stress levels are high during the holidays)!

If you’d like to join us and get access to all the workouts I do (so you can do yoga on the days you need to be zen and kickboxing on the days you need an outlet for your frustration 😉), complete this form and I’ll be in touch with more details >>>