What I'm Eating This Week: 4/24/16

Happy Monday, friends!

Yesterday I shared my 8 week postpartum progress pictures and received an overwhelming amount of love and support. So I want thank everyone who is following my journey and encouraging me to keep going! It's not easy, but I know it will be worth it. 

I think one of the main things that keeps me on track is meal planning. It helps me avoid unhealthy snap decisions and saves us money. Every Sunday my husband and I sit down and plan our meals for the week. Then we shop for the items we need. Without a plan, I tend to buy a LOT of junk food and things that never get used and go to waste. 

So if you're wondering how to lose those last 10 lbs, start your weight loss journey, or save money on your grocery bill: MEAL PLAN! It takes some time, but it's SO worth it!

Here's what I'm eating this week:

Download the file here. 

You can find the Beef Bulgogi recipe here--it's probably our favorite dish!

And here is my favorite Tofu Pad Thai recipe! 

I'll be sharing almost all of these recipes over the next few weeks, so stay tuned!

What are you eating this week?
