August Contest: Win a Fitbit Flex or Autumn Calabrese's new cookbook, FIXATE!

Hello friends!

In order to scale my impact and help as many people as possible lead healthy and fulfilling lives, I'm hosting a fun little contest this month!

Learn about it here: 


Grand Prize: a Fitbit Flex (a $100 value)

2nd Place: Autumn Calabrese's new cookbook, FIXATE

How to enter:

I have several options and encourage you to take advantage of ALL three!

#1 A: Like my Facebook Business Page = 1 Entry

#1 B: Share my Facebook Business Page & Ask your Friends to Like it = 10 Entries

Head here and give me a like!

*If you share my page, shoot me a message to let me know! 

#2: Provide Referrals = 5 Entries per Referral

What types of referrals? I have two different options:

A. Health & Fitness Referrals:

Think of any friends or relatives who want to get fit, gain energy, or get healthier! 

Option 1: I'm running a 21 Day Fix & 21 Day Fix Extreme Group this month. So if you know anyone who wants to lose 10-15 pounds, tone up, and learn how to eat well, this group is for them! Both programs are on sale until August 12th! 

Option 2: I'm also running a Cize Group. Cize is Shaun T's new dance program and is "the end of exercise." If you know someone who loves to dance and doesn't care for exercise, this will be right up their alley! However, the heart pumping cardio provides an excellent workout without even realizing it! Plus the Cize Challenge Pack is on sale for the entire month! 

Here's a preview of me and my husband "cizing it up!" 


B. Coaching Referrals:

Do you know anyone who is:
-an expert at building relationships
-a master at inspiring and uplifting others
-a supporter, motivator, and encourager
-patient, kind, and caring
-willing to learn and grow
-looking for extra income or a career change

If so, coaching may be the perfect fit! My Sneak Peek into Coaching Group is obligation free and purely informational. I will provide those who are interested with the details on the time commitment, income potential, and requirements of coaching. After the group, participants can decide if they want to pursue this exciting venture! 

Here's a taste of my first 6 months as a coach: 

Read more about how coaching changed my life here!


The best ways to connect me with your referral (in order of preference):

1. Through an email introduction! Simply email me and your referral to "introduce" us! My email is

2. Through a Facebook message! Create a group message with me, you, and your referral! 

3. Send me your referral names via email or a Facebook message and include the contact information for each person. 

#3: Purchase a Challenge Pack Yourself! = 10 Entries

Commit to boosting your own health and fitness as we end summer and head into fall! Contact me to discuss which program and Shakeology option would be best for you! 

The contest ends August 31st at midnight EST and the winner will be announced via a video drawing on September 1st! 

Thank you for helping me make August the most meaningful month yet! I can't wait to connect with you, your friends and your relatives!

Please contact me with any additional questions or post them below!
