Monday Mashup: What I'm Eating this Week

Happy Monday, friends!

Today officially begins my new online accountability group: 30 Days of Fitsgiving and I am SO excited! I'm adding a special twist to this group and including a postivite mindset/gratitude journal. 

Each morning I will post about the importance of practicing gratitude, giving thanks, or staying positive. My challengers will comment on my post and share what they are thankful for or how they will maintain a positive attidude that day. 

Each afternoon I will post a fitness or nutrition tip, a healthy recipe, or something related to motivation or goal setting. My challengers will check in and share their successes of the day related to their workout and nutrition. 

My hubby made this image, isn't it awesome?!

My hubby made this image, isn't it awesome?!

How I'm staying active: 

Since this is a rest week from the 21 Day Fix, I'm using Beachbody On Demand to complete a different workout each day. I'll be doing:

  • The Brazil Butt Lift (which was created for Victoria Secret Model Alessandra Ambrosia)
  • Cize (my favorite dance program with Shaun T)
  • P90X3 (Tony Horton always makes me laugh)
  • The Master's Hammer and Chisel (there are 2 preview workouts available On Demand; the actual program launches on December 1st)

What I'm eating:

I'm also switching up my nutrition plan a little this week. Sean and I followed a vegan diet for several years and never felt better. But when we decided to start a family, we thought it would be smart to introduce this baby to wide array of foods. But if I can be honest for a second, I'm OVER the meat. I need a serious break. So we're following a vegetarian diet this week and I'm super stoked about it!  

Technically legumes count as a yellow (carb) container on the 21 Day Fix. But I'm going rogue and using them as red (protein) containers. I'm pretty sure this one small modification won't hurt. ;) 

Here's my plan for the week:

Download the actual file here.


What are you having this week?

