Coconut Tutorial
Hello foodies!
I've been getting a lot of questions on my coconut bowls lately, so I thought I'd take some time to explain how to crack open these bad boys.
The water contained in these mighty globes is tasty and healthy once filtered (details below). Drink it straight or add it to a smoothie. I personally love to mix my Vegan Chocolate Shakeology with fresh coconut water for extra hydration. Did you know that coconut water contains the potassium of FOUR bananas?!
As for the shells, I turn them into bowls...because everything tastes better in a coconut, am I right?! I'm going to start experimenting with different ways to use the coconut meat and will keep you updated.
Step 1: Gather your materials
You will need a coconut, a hammer, a screwdriver, and a marker/pencil
Step 2: Use the hammer and screwdriver to make three deep holes in the eyes of the coconut
Step 3: Empty the coconutwater into a bowl
Shaking and dancing is required ;)
Step 4: Draw a line around the horizon of the coconut
Step 5: Use the hammer to hit the line, spinning the coconut as you go, until it begins to crack
The best way to do this is to hold the coconut in one Palm while hammering it with the other hand
Step 6: Once it begins to crack, give it a few more bangs until it completely opens
Step 7: Strain the coconut water in a filter to remove the debris
Murky coconut water be gone
I use a plastic coffee filter
pour into the filter
look at that debris!
ahhh filtered coconut water!
Step 8: Enjoy your coconut and coconut water
Happy Coconuting!