The Collective

where we collectively rise

For the fempreneurs who want to achieve illogical results in the next 3 months

Are you ready to do what most people do in a year - in 3 months?

I see you. You want your business to blow the F up. To cross milestones you’ve been visualizing. To celebrate the *ish outta yourself.

You know you are capable of so much more than what you’re achieving now.

You know you are just scratching the surface and just getting warmed up.

You’re ready for your quantum leap.

You’re ready to go ALL IN on yourself and your business.

You’re doing all the things, but you know it’s time to refine and do things better.

You know it’s time…

  • To get a mentor who’s achieved what you want to achieve so you can fast-track your success and stop spinning your wheels. Someone who can see your blind spots and help you create the business you’ve been dreaming of.
  • To step out and distance yourself from the crowd. You’re tired of blending in.
  • To scale your income. You’re making money, but you know you should be making SO much more.
  • To sell the offers that light you the F up. That are in your zone of genius. That are strategically built to bring in the most amount of money and keep customers coming back for more.
  • To be THE authority that people buy from without asking a million questions.
  • To invest in a container like this, an experience that will stretch you and force you to level up.

Why now?

The 4th quarter is when most people step back.

But not you, you’re going to step UP.

You’re going to be THE ONE standing out and selling OUT your offers while most people are making excuses.

My business BLOWS UP every November - January because that’s when I go ALL IN and scoop up all the sales the amateurs making excuses are losing.

And THAT is exactly what you are going to do too.

November & December are going to be your BEST months of 2024. And January is going to be the catalyst to all the success you’ll see in 2025.

We’re going BIG, selling BODLY, and creating insane momentum for 2025.

This is where you’ll transform…

The Collective is where you’ll BECOME the woman who achieves all the things you’ve been visualizing.

It’s where you’ll upgrade your identity in order to become a match for your desires.

It’s where you’ll shift your messaging, beliefs, and business structure to create the income & lifestyle you desire.

It’s where you’ll sell the *ish outta your offers and show up like you’re the ONLY one in your space.

It’s where you’ll expand your network with other ambitious go-getters because your net worth is always tied to your network.

What we’ll focus on inside The Collective:

Offer Creation & Launching:

We’ll focus on creating and launching offers that align with your brand & zone of genius. Offers that you CAN’T wait to get out into the world.

You’ll develop offers that sell like Taylor Swift tickets, where people go crazy over everything you drop!


Selling should be fun and you’re going to master the art of sales in The Collective. You’re going to be selling your heart out and celebrating your biggest wins like the bada$$ you are!


This is about BEING the brand and getting your audience locked onto YOU, not just what you’re selling.

Your brand is the soul & fire of your business and we’re going to kick it up a few notches so you magnetize your dreamiest customers with ease.

Content & Messaging:

We’re not focusing on IG hacks or going viral in this minimind, we’re focusing on timeless strategies that build your audience and convert followers into loyal lifers who buy everything you sell.

Energetics & Mindset:

We’ll focus heavily on upgrading your identity & mindset so you can quantum leap into your future self.

You’ll have Ashly plus an entire group of ambitious women who “get it” to push you, cheer you on, and be there with you every step of the way.

Because anyone who has ever done anything big in business knows that it can be a mindfck and having people in your corner who “get it” is what separates those who win from those who quit.

The Collective Experience

What’s included:

  • Bi-weekly Minimind Calls
    This is where you get coached by Ashly, hear from the other Collective members, and watch Ashly coach them too. This minimind is about collectively rising. Iron sharpens iron and when you surround yourself with other ambitious women doing big things, you’ll naturally level up and raise your own bar.
  • One 60-Minute 1:1 Strategy/Onboarding Session
    This is where we’ll do a deep dive into your business and refine your offer suite, messaging, mindset, and marketing so that you have a customized plan to take off and create massive results in the 3 months we’ll be together.
  • One 30-Minute 1:1 Strategy/Exit Session
    This is where we’ll evaluate what’s working in your business after being in The Collective and develop a plan for you to double down on it after the minimind.
  • Telegram Mastermind Support
    Daily support (M-F) from Ashly & the mastermind icons so you always feel supported. This is a place to ask quick questions, share wins, ask for feedback, and chat with women who GET it.
  • Access to the Making Millions Membership
    This is where you’ll find Ashly’s library of trainings on marketing, selling, scaling, and mindset. Plus you get access to Ashly’s Rich Girl Chat, where she drops daily pep talks & strategies, as well as a daily content plan to maximize sales.

Is The Collective for you?


  • You’re an online coach, course creator, service provider, network marketing girlie, or digital marketer looking to multiply your income & impact.
  • You’re done playing small & being grouped into a segment of entrepreneurs you know you’ve outgrown (or want to outgrow).
  • You’ve had some success online but you know you are meant for SO much more and are ready to take the big leap to get there.
  • You’re done moving at a snail’s pace and ready to blow up doing what you love.
  • You are someone who will put in the work and go ALL IN. When you get fixated on something, there’s no stopping you. And you know THIS is where you’ll thrive because you won’t be shamed for being obsessed with your growth.

Meet your mentor:

I've been in business for almost 10 years now, I'm basically the grandmother of the online business space. Lol! I started my first online business and made my first million while I was getting my doctorate. After that, I combined my formal education with my business experience and have helped thousands of women create wildly successful online businesses too.

I retired my husband from his corporate IT job, had 4 babies, and now I spend my days being a snack b*tch to my tiny humans.

I'm all about having your cake and eating it too! And that's what I'm here to help you do!


Is there a minimum commitment?

Yes, this is a 3-month container.

Is there an income requirement?

No, you don’t need a specific income to qualify for The Collective. What matters is your commitment to your business and growth, your willingness to swing big and show up boldly, and your willingness to be an active participant in the minimind (meaning you’re willing to be a hype girl, share your struggles and wins, be coachable and open to feedback, and show up with a positive attitude for your business and the other women in the minimind).

How do I know I need this?

If you’re not yet where you want to be, this is for you. This isn’t for those dabbling in business and giving it “a try.” This is for those who are ALL IN. The ones who are committed to the long-game and want to be around women who are at their level (or ahead of them). This is for you if you’re ready to take massive action, upgrade your entire identity, and create illogical results.