The Mastermind

For the icons ready to increase their income, impact, and influence in the next 6 months.

Stand out. Pave the way. Be the ICON of your industry.

Are you ready to become THE ICON of your industry?

I see you. You were given gifts most people weren’t given.

You know you are destined for limitless success. You know your success is inevitable.

You’ve always known you were different, meant for something extraordinary, because normal never did it for you.

And now you’re here.

You’re tired of blending in. Of settling for “okay” results.

You’re tired of selling offers that don’t align with the ICON you know you’re meant to be.

You’re tired of showing up & making money, but not coming anywhere close to where you KNOW you should be.

You’re tired of low-level conversations and messages from clients. You crave more.

Here's what happens...

When you make the decision to stop playing small and to claim your spot as the ICON of your industry, your whole world shifts.

When you decide to stop looking at what everyone else is doing and step into YOUR unique power, you unleash a force that cannot be reckoned with.

When you get around women making f*ck tons of money by doing what they LOVE, honoring their boundaries, and showing up as their TRUE selves, you naturally level the F up too.

When you create an offer suite that leads people from one offer to the next, selling becomes effortless.

When you create content that positions you as the authority, that activates your ideal clients, that shows them your offer is THE one, the sales flow.

When you become a master of communication, influence, and leadership, you become an ICON and your ideal clients buy without asking a million questions.

This mastermind is about transforming you into the ICON you were born to be.

✖️ It’s NOT about investing in fancy clothes you’ll never wear just to play a part.

✖️ It’s NOT about scheduling photoshoots so people perceive you as someone you’re not.

✖️ It’s NOT about filming videos with a full face of makeup and fancy clothes in front of a beautiful backdrop so people think you’re worth investing in.

It’s about OWNING who the F you are, how you got here, what you know, what you can do for others, and how you did it.

That’s some iconic sh*t.

It’s about shifting your messaging, beliefs, and business structure to create the income & lifestyle you desire.

It’s where your offers sell out and you’re excited AF to show up, serve your clients, create content, and be like NO ONE else in your space.

It’s where you’ll become the most powerful & influential leader in your space because you’re different, you’re iconic.

What we focus on inside the mastermind:


This is about creating a legacy, not just a pretty font combo & fancy photoshoot.

This is about BEING the brand and being able to pivot anytime you want because your audience is locked onto YOU, not just what you’re selling.

Offer Suite:

We’ll focus on creating an offer suite that aligns with your lifestyle, zone of genius, and client journey.

You’ll develop an offer suite that is intentional and sells like Taylor Swift tickets every time you drop an offer.

Iconic Content & Messaging:

You’ll become a master at communicating who you are and why they should choose you….like the icon you are.

This is where you’ll say what YOU actually want to say and be the trailblazer of your industry (instead of looking at and copying what everyone else is doing).


Selling should be light, fun, and done in your iconic way. We’re going to nail down your signature approach and you’re going to show up as the most magnetic person on the internet.

Energetics & Mindset:

You could have the best strategy in the world, but until you tap into the energetics and master the mindset of someone who holds more money, clients, and influence, you’ll never succeed.

We’ll focus heavily on upgrading your identity & mindset so you can quantum leap into your iconic self.

You’ll get used to sending me messages that say: “We need to work through this belief that just came up because it’s sending me into a spiral.”

…because we’re clearing the blocks and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from being iconic.

How to know Iconic is for you:

You’re done playing small & being grouped into a segment of entrepreneurs you know you’ve outgrown (or want to outgrow).

You’re ready to 10X your income, impact, and influence. You’re ready to hold more & be more (not necessarily do more).

You want to charge more, make more money than you’ve ever made before, and love every single thing you do in your business. If it’s not a whole body f*ck yes, it’s a no.

You see this mastermind and think “Finally, a place for me.”

You’re done moving at a snail’s pace and ready to blow up doing work you love and know is your calling.

You know this is your logical next step because you’re a smart girl who is done playing in the minor leagues.

The ICONIC Experience

What’s included:

Bi-weekly Mastermind Calls

This is where you get coached by Ashly and get to mastermind with the other icons. You are the sum of the people you spend your time with, and when you get around women leveling up, multiplying their income, and building their empires, you’ll naturally do the same.

Three 1:1 Strategy Sessions

This is where we’ll do a deep dive into your offer suite, messaging, mindset, and marketing so that you have a customized plan to take off and create your iconic movement.

Telegram Mastermind Support

Daily support from Ashly & the mastermind icons so you always feel supported. This is a place to ask quick questions, share wins, ask for feedback, and chat with women who GET it.

Unlimited Material Review

My eyes on your content, emails, sales pages, etc. so you create impact & hella income.

Access to all Programs & Masterclasses:

Course Launch Academy

Business Breakthrough Accelerator

Your Rich & Aligned AF Year

Seductive Sales

Iconic: Be the Brand & Build Your Empire

Facebook & Instagram Ads

Money Healing Workshop

Content to Ca$h Class

Emails to Sales Masterclass

+ more

Is Iconic: The Mastermind for you?


  • You’re an online coach, course creator, service provider, network marketing girlie, or digital marketer looking to pivot or expand because you know you’re destined for more.
  • You’ve had some success online but you know you are meant for SO much more. More income, more impact, more influence, and you’re ready to take the big leap to get there.
  • You crave sustainability and freedom.
  • You are someone who will put in the work and go all in. You’re a caffeinated queen who hyperfixates on whatever you are passionate about and are ready to enter your icon era.
  • You’re ready to charge more, make more, and be more. You’re ready to get back to that bright-eyed-bushy-tailed girl who believed her success was inevitable and everything she touched would turn into gold.

Icons don’t do more, they become more.

This mastermind is where we’ll refine your brand, offers, and messaging so you become a magnet for the clients seeking exactly what you have to offer.

Meet your mentor:

I've been in business for almost 10 years now, I'm basically the grandmother of the online business space. Lol! I started my first online business and made my first million while I was getting my doctorate. After that, I combined my formal education with my business experience and have helped thousands of women create wildly successful online businesses too.

I retired my husband from his corporate IT job, had 4 babies, and now I spend my days being a snack b*tch to my tiny humans.

I'm a Leo, a Manifesting Generator, I love pilates & yoga, and my favorite food is anything with sprinkles (particularly vanilla cake with sprinkles inside!)

I'm all about having your cake and eating it too! And that's what I'm here to help you do!


Is there a minimum commitment?

Yes, this is a 6 month commitment. Long-term mentorship allows me to truly get to know you and your business so that I can see the holes and help you achieve optimal results.

Is there an income requirement?

No, you don’t need a specific income to qualify for the mastermind. What matters is your commitment to your business and growth, your willingness to swing big and show up boldly, and your willingness to be an active participant in the mastermind (meaning you’re willing to be a hype girl, share your struggles and wins, be coachable and open to feedback, and show up with a positive attitude for your business and the other women in the mastermind).

How do I know I need this?

If you’re not yet where you want to be, this is for you. This isn’t for those dabbling in business and giving it “a try.” This is for those who are ALL IN, the ones who do this full-time or want to make this their full-time gig. The ones who are committed to the long-game and want to be around women who are at their level (or ahead of them). This is for you if you’re ready to take massive action, upgrade your entire identity, and become the icon you were born to be.